Tony Lykke
Automatically Generate Rust ctags for Vim with rusty-tags and Gutentags
Setting up a script to wrap rusty-tags to allow Gutentags to generate Rust tags for Vim
ZFS 0.8.1 on Ubuntu 18.04
Guide to building and installing ZFS 0.8.1 on Ubuntu 18.04
Subscribing to GitHub Project Releases With AWS Lambda
How to subscribe to GitHub project releases for free using AWS Lambda
Disabling the Internet for pytest
How to safely run tests on legacy code without getting unexpected network side effects
Escaping Shortcodes in Hugo
Undocumented trick for including shortcodes in your Markdown posts without them being evaluated and expanded.
Embedding Asciinema Casts in Hugo
Guide to embedding casts in Hugo posts using shortcodes.
Custom Fonts in Asciinema
Guide to setting up compact custom fonts in asciinema for showing glyphs and other uncommon unicode characters.
Chaining Custom ZSH Widget Functions
Hands-on investigation into how to have multiple custom functions overriding a single ZSH widget built-in.